Dreams can Inspire
Dreams can Inspire
Ocean of consciousness By Jacob Davies
Dreams inspire my books,
Yes it is true, when it comes to figuring out how to get ideas for new books I turned to my dreams and plucked the stories that I enjoyed because I felt like I was living inside of the dream and it wasn't that hard to put it into a book plan... That's if you can even remember the dream after you wake up, because I knew a lot of people forget as soon as they wake... MIND BLANK.
For example when I was ten I used to love spy shows and Scooby-doo, which I understand aren't really close to each other... But I did have a dream about being part of a spy team who were trapped inside of a business building in Japan and we were under attack by ghosts, we had to stop them and save the people inside of the building before their soul got sucked out. It was a bit of a scary dream for me back then, but it was the dream that help me come up with Silent Lies and inspired the entire series... And so came Silent Lies.
The idea of Silent Lies was planned over ten years from 10-20 and on March 23rd 2014 was when the first version was published on Amazon and around 50 copies was sold which wasn't great. So I took it back tot he drawing board and October 2016 I brought out the latest Silent Lies which I am so proud of.
I thank my dreams and I hope to complete my real dreams.
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