World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is that game that we play!

Now this is a quick post to express my love for a video game named World of Warcraft, it is a fantasy MMORPG that has been around for over a decade and has over seven million people playing the game. I was playing this game was I was only 13 years old and at the time my writing was pretty basic and I will say that the game really helped me with my vocabulary because they used very strange and new words to a 13 year old... But since it was part of the story line I played along with it and secretly learned new words.

I am not saying that most people should learn better vocabulary through playing video games, I am just saying if it wasn't for the fact that I played World of Warcraft I would have never learned the words that I did. If you want to further you own vocabulary you might as start reading a lot of books or make the dictionary/thesaurus your best friend, there are easier ways for some but personally I am more of a writer than a reader.

Read till your heart is content though.
